Saturday, June 30, 2012

First Full Day of Sweating (oops! Ministry)

Amy and Hank reporting for blog duty. 

Ciao! Buongiorno!

After 23 hours and 9 minutes of traveling (approximately), our rag tag group arrived in Bologna happy, tired, and safe. Sleeping 6 to a room with fans and minimal clothing we got a well-deserved night’s sleep. 

Today we woke up late and had a quick breakfast consisting of croissants and fruit. Traveling in a caravan with our lovely leader, Mark Brucato, we toured on foot an ancient fortress city called Ferrera.  With a boiling temperature of 41 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) we sweated our way through the beautiful city.  

We enjoyed historical lessons from Mark including the statue of Giorlamo Savonarola, a reformation patriarch.  We then proceeded to eat lunch, walk around the city freely in small groups, and eat our fill of gelato. We learned how to order gelato like a true Italian would, “Vorrei una gelato cone chocolate, per favore.” 

Exhausted, soaked, yet content, we journeyed back to our bungalows (our unairconditioned happy homes) and intend on feasting at the Brucato’s on a delicious barbeque tonight.  Everyone is currently on a partial energy high, and henceforth greatly enjoying themselves.

Sarah: “Hi mamaaa (and Dad)! Don’t worry we’re safe and I have a zipper on my satchel. So I have not been pick pocketed yet, Love youuuu.”

Nata: “Hey mom, Great News!!! I met a guy, his name is Fernando. Ha, just kidding… Italy’s great! Love you!”

1 comment:

  1. What a great picture! Must have been taken before all the sweating. You all look cool and well-rested. Praise God for safe travels--and for gelato, evidently. We will continue to pray; to start with, for a good nite of rest in preparation for tomorrow's REAL first day of ministry :P

    Love to you all, especially "you-know-who,"
    MG (aka Val)
    PS for Nata: I was HUGELY relieved to see you in the picture at the Munich airport!
